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Friday, 12 October 2012

Friday Freebie-New Digi Scrapping Blog-New Scrapping Group

Good Morning! Once again my week has disappeared before my eyes and Friday is upon us! A couple of things to tell you about: A new kit will be available shortly from CatDesignz. It is a beautiful kit, perfect for the upcoming Christmas season and you will be able to get it as either a large designer kit with all of the beautiful elements that work together, or you can choose between a couple of broken down versions with some of the elements in each. Here are a couple of layout samples to show you what you will see in this gorgeous kit.

This should be available for you in the upcoming week.  Head over to the CatDesignz store to keep watch!

The other thing I would like to tell you about is the launch of my BRAND NEW BLOG, Memories In Minutes!  I know that most of you who stop on by are accomplished scrapbookers, but what about the people you know who are not?  Have you ever been asked by a friend or a family member, "How did you do that?" OR Have you ever been told "I would love to know how to learn to scrapbook all my family photos, but I just don't know how.", OR Maybe even "I don't want to spend money on a program if I don't know that I will have time to do this."  Well I now have the solution to get all your friends and family started down memory preservation lane!  It starts with a free on-line photo editing program, a short 4 step tutorial, and free quickpage to get them started. Go to to take a peek!  I would love to know what you think of my new blog, so please stop on by and drop me a comment and don't forget to TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

One more thing, I will be hosting a Facebook Timeline Cover Challenge on Wednesday, October 17th through the group Catz Wonder Challenges.  This group hosts various challenges and of course there will be prizes!  If you are interested in this or any other upcoming challenges, you will want to hop on over and join our little group, it's going to be a blast!

Now for your Friday Freebie!  This is a double quickpage made by Catherine called Seraphina Double Quickpage and co-ordinates with the designer kit Seraphina, enjoy!
Click here for Seraphina Double Quickpage Freebie

Have a fantastic weekend, and Happy Scrappin!


Friday, 5 October 2012

Thankful For You! Friday Freebie!

Yayyy!!!! It's Friday!

Here in Canada we will be celebrating Thanksgiving, so that means I will be sitting on my couch feeling sorry for myself after stuffing my belly with Thanksgiving Dinner! Speaking of giving thanks, I have much to be thankful for in my life.  One of the things that I am thankful for is that for almost a year now I have been on such a wonderful creative team and have been privileged to be working with such a fantastic designer, Catherine of CatDesignz. She is truly a wonderful lady and always so generous! Once again she has a fantastic deal of the week for you, all based on her Coral Keepsakes Product Collection and Coral Summer Product Collection, and Lazy Summer Days Product Collection. These are gorgeous kits, I am absolutely in love with the colorways and I am sure you will be too! Hop on over and take a peek through her store and see the discounts for yourself!
Here are just a few previews for you :)
Coral Summer II Designer Scrapbooking Kit

Coral Summer Quickpage

Lazy Summer Days CatzCovers

And here is a little goodie for you.  A quickpage made by my fellow creative team member Linda.  This was also made with elements from Catherine's kits that are currently on sale for you.  Isn't it beautiful?
Click Here for Light Marble Quickpage Freebie!

One more thing, I am also thankful for the wonderful people who follow my blog and the visitors who tune in each week.  You all inspire me to keep being creative everyday and strive to bring you new and interesting things to see, so thank-you :)
I wish you all a wonderful, scrappin' weekend!
