Well, it seems like there is the slight possibility that summer may actually begin here in July! Our weather has been so terrible we are about 2 months behind in the soaking up the sunshine department, instead we have just been soaking! So what do you do when you need to feel some summer but the weather won't
co-operate? You scrapbook with some delightful summery feeling scrapbook kits of course! I have been playing around with a couple of gorgeous new kits from who else but CatDesignz! Her two new kits Coral Summer and Coral Summer II are sure to inspire you!

To go along with these delightful kits, I have created some Coral Summer Clusters for you as well. They make a great add on to these kits, saving you time in your creative efforts!

This is the Quickpage I created using the Coral Summer II kit and it is this week's Fantastic Friday Freebie in celebration of the coming of summer - finally!!!!

To get your freebie, just click on the link below the photo. This page is in .png format so can be used in whatever program you like or also downloaded in the My Memories format if you prefer. Enjoy!
That's all for today! Please feel free to leave me your comments, I always love to hear from you! Have a fantastic weekend and please feel free to subscribe, I have inspiration and freebie's for you every Friday and something wonderful in line for you coming next week, so stay tuned!
Happy Scrappin' Everyone!